Who is Red John?

Theory #17358 • by Stoopkid


Grace Van Pelt

Grace Van Pelt
Suspected in 303 theories


Guess what Grace, its pretty normal for sane people to mock the occult. You're not normal.
Grace was too good for Visualize because she is a member of visual-dies. The church ran by satan herself. A lot of historians and religious experts believe Satan was a woman. The divine feminine energy that has been suppressed throughout history. The church was anti-female and have held women down for centuries.
Kristina Freye and her "church" hated the male dominated BA. They were corrupt as the sky is blue. Red john has a moral code and has always reminded me of the joker in some ways. Fearful symmetry in that jane and rj are similar. In that red john does not care about material gain just like the joker and NOT like the BA.
Although their code is messed up and sadistic it is still important to them. Shit , Kristina Freye took red johns side about why he killed Janes family . "You lied about him Patrick, he was punishing you".
Jane lied about him?! What sane person would say that? She sounds like Bosco's secretary..

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