Who is Red John?

Theory #17348 • by redeemurselfheller


Unrevealed suspect

Unrevealed suspect
Suspected in 1k+ theories


So as many millions of people i was very dissapointed with the red john ending. I have still watched the show of course it does not fell the same and it has horrible jokes and music. But with the ending of golden hammer it looks interesting. Why such a long break i believe after the red john episode they had no idea were to take the story i you can tell that from after the episode blue sky. Now i like the ending of golden hammer i hope heller redeems himself and shows us 1 if mc callister was really red john or the ultimate red herring #2 from the cut patterns on oscar it does in fact look like a red john murder. Why no happy face i believe it could of been mc callisters own mark but what i think is the red barn was a red harring that happy face maybe was put on to throw people off. No i am not one of those people who are holding on to a shred of hope lol that red john is still alive. Either it was horrible acting by xander which i doubt or terrible writting but i can not see red john as mcallister he acted like such a big pussy. Red john in my eyes would be someone who does not fear death or who would be a little stronger he took down Renfro and he was pretty big and strong. I just hope they give me a good season 6 because if not i will not be a season 7 watcher of they take it that far. I have been on this website for awhile people who make comments on here had a better ending than the actual creator heller. Redeem your self heller you have 9 episodes to do that

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