Who is Red John?

Theory #17284 • by Stoopkid


Wayne Rigsby

Wayne Rigsby
Suspected in 231 theories


Did they ever PROVE that olaughlin set todd Johnson on fire ?
Or did they just ASSUME he did it cuz he turned out to be working for red john or the BA?
Also did they ever explain how someone made a man burst into flames ?
No cameras? Anybody carrying a gas can? Did they even use gas ?
Olaughlin did seem well versed in fire starting when he figured out how jane did the candle trick but still no camera showed him doing it?
Rigsby is an arson specialist and whoever made janes house blow up knew a few things about bombs and fire as well.
Also the indian convenient store owner episode showed red john use bombs again.

I don't expect any answers just some stuff on my mind .

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