Who is Red John?

Theory #17230 • by Stoopkid


Grace Van Pelt

Grace Van Pelt
Suspected in 303 theories


Why did jane need two guns in his house?
Also if u notice in "red dragon" janes flashback to his house styles and haffner switched places on the couch as jane had his back turned. Check it out cuz they were in different spots in the episode before .

Haffner must of been the one shot bc it wasn't styles accent who said "no stop" .
Did jane shoot him? And why?
I believe every plot hole can be answered by what the heck happens in that house .

Bertram did not know the usb was in his safe place .
He would not just forget that! He did not know it was there it was buried in hay .
Who put it there ? Maybe whoever found the safe house in the first place? Who ever smelt it dealt it ?

Smith is lying about the BA and red john.
Why would red john leader of the BA need access codes to cbi when he already had Rebecca as a follower.
Seems like he would have them and every code he would ever need. He magically appears on van pelts computer from time to time too. Who is he, ghostwriter ?
Smith may be a double double agent . Half visualize half BA. Kinda like his 1 cream 1 sugar coffee.

Why was the fbi trying to arrest styles on charges from 20 years ago and like rigsby said what evidence could have surfaced? Maybe it is who has surfaced ??? Farragut related ?
Was styles really dying ? Will he resurrect for his followers ?

Did Lorelie ask red john if he raped her sister ? Cuz i don't think he did. Rj doesn't rape .
Is Lorelie alive ? Hey It rhymes

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