Who is Red John?

Theory #17190 • by Stoopkid


Grace Van Pelt

Grace Van Pelt
Suspected in 303 theories


Since this show is great at misdirection i am going to highlight the road to red john by looking into clues that the show has been DEAD silent about.

-Red john is just like Brett Styles . He has brainwashed followers and a doctrine-like moral code. This doctrine is based on creating a "new self". Visualize does this by the "air out" videos and red john does this by killing someone very close to you . This death or air out video makes you see the world differently through "new eyes" and makes you say goodby to your old self.
-Haffner's threats came out of the blue . Visualize is not suppose to be related to the BA at all and honestly i dont think they are . Visualize has its own undercover cops and whatnot to do their bidding.
So what was this threat about ?

-***The fact that this show has said NOTHING about visualize, janes house, haffner, styles, is a clear indication that they are saving it for the end of this season. And also a clear indication that this info is detrimental to the Red john story line. Detrimentalist.
-No way in hell they don't bring this stuff up again.
- Jane has not talked about van pelt or rigsby and neither has cho.
Wylie and Jane have also never been introduced to each other in the show.
-EVERYONE can see that the show is purposively making Wylie look suspicious.
--Jane wanted cbi to be shut down. He has abbot wrapped around his finger and jane is calling all the shots at the fbi.
-Jane has NOT moved on at all. As long has he wears that wedding ring than he is still on the hunt.
- Jane is PRETENDING to be a new guy. He is going to respect his psychic abilities moreso so that red john trully thinks he has changed .
-Kristina Frey will return (she is a cheap gig to book)
-Does anyone believe that Macalister had the mental fortitude to make Kristina a mute?
~~A key phrase/plot in the last episode was what? Making the bad guy(girl) think that she is in the clear because the police had arrested somebody else.
This is a MICROCOSM of the big picture painted by Jane to finally catch Red John in the act.
-The key is in the act . Jane knows who he is looking for and has known since the end of season 5. He needs to catch Red John in the act, and thats why this chess-match will last much much longer, to my dismay.

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