Who is Red John?

Theory #17108 • by Stoopkid


Grace Van Pelt

Grace Van Pelt
Suspected in 303 theories


I have a lot to say about tonights episode but I am going to stick to one very subtle thing i have noticed.

*Does Jane have Abbot under hypnosis ? Sounds crazy and pointless i know but I have seen on more than one occasion patrick giving Abbot that pat on the arm like he does to people he is manipulating.
Have you noticed it as well?

-The first time was when Abbot comes out the woodwork and shuts down CBI. I have said all along that Patrick wanted Cbi shutdown. But when they first meet Patrick does the same arm pat to Abbot and it struck me as odd the first time i saw it. I need to go back and see if he did it more other than tonight and the first meeting

--It is very odd that Patrick went from being the Fbis most hated/wanted man to the BOSS! Jane is literally calling all the shots and Abbot has not butt heads with him at all.
--Why? The show tells us Abbot gave into Jane demands because jane MAY have hidden names of BA members.
Abbot says he caught them all but still falls for Jane's trick. This is Abbot, the same guy who laughed at Jane's paper demands and SUDDENLY HANDS OVER THE KEYS TO THE FBI TO PATRICK FOR HAVING MAYBE NAMES THAT PATRICK HAS NOT EVEN DISCUSSED WITH HIM YET??!?!?!? You would think the second Patrick left prison they would have to discuss the other names he had right?

-This show is the king of all misdirection. There are so many mixed signals and the possibilities of truth are endless. The show is going on another break and I think we are done with these little "filler" episodes. Yes they are important but they are just stepping stones to the big things that are about to pop off. You know walking dead has episodes where they just talk then episodes where all bloody fucking hell fire and brimstone errupts. 

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