Who is Red John?

Theory #17097 • by Scarlett64


Walter Mashburn

Walter Mashburn
Suspected in 325 theories


Damn!  I hate Heller.

Ardiles is dead but his throat wasn't slashed RJ style.  All of the old CBI team's phones have been bugged along with several other people.  It's either RJ monitoring them or it's the Blake Association but there's not really a clear motive for them.  If it is RJ then he might just be fishing for information because he's worried because Jane's returned to the US.  RJ wouldn't have bugged Jane's phone because that's something that Jane would notice and Jane finding his phone bugged would definitely make Jane suspicious.

I suppose this makes it obvious how Van Pelt and Rigsby will finally leave the show.  This investigation will get them killed.  They've been such great characters that they really do deserve to go out Red John style.  Some mediocre killer or the BA isn't good enough for them.  There was a moment when Rigsby was in the street that I thought the score was reminiscent of the famous RJ  theme music like four taps of a drum but that's probably just me.

Please let this be the return of RJ.  Let Heller turn out to be brilliant . . . or at least let him fix things and give us a good season finale.  It seems like a long wait till March and the next episode.  

Loved Sherlock tonight . . . really hope Moriarty is really back and not just someone else messing with Sherlock.

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