Who is Red John?

Theory #17073 • by Stoopkid


Wayne Rigsby

Wayne Rigsby
Suspected in 231 theories


This post is to show the two comparisons of when Rigsby was under hypnosis and when i believe Macalister was under hypnosis.

Rigsby: jane took him to a playground because jane knows wayne had a very very disturbing childhood.
Rigsby was fine until his FEAR was brought to the surface.
He started crying , shaking, and basically flipping out . And what did he do ? He ran like the wind almost getting hit by a car. Fight or flight type deal.

Macalister : was afraid of birds but NOT THAT AFRAID! Under hypnosis it made him for subjugated to his fear . Jane knew all of this. So what does Macalister do instead of grab corderas gun? He runs! He almost gets hit by a car, joggers, glass windows etc. If you look closely his eyes were dilated just like jane said people under hypnosis should be . Jane wasnt happy after killing him. Completely different from carter. Jane knows whats going on.....

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