Who is Red John?

Theory #17055 • by Stoopkid


Wayne Rigsby

Wayne Rigsby
Suspected in 231 theories


Where did wayne meet his first child's mother ? As far as i can remember she just popped out of thin air.
Wayne said they broke up "because he faked his death" to catch red john.
What if she was red john? Haha i would rather it all be a dream than that twist.

Red john is a smart guy/girl.
Why would red john feel the need to reveal him/herself at the church?
If it was a game between him and patrick why would it end right there ? And why was bertram instructed to tell patrick the game is over if Macalister walks in minutes later and says the game is over?
Wouldn't 1 time be enough?
Then patrick says it isnt a game i asked to play? When did this happen?
Patrick never asked to play his family was murdered ? Am i missing something ?

Season 6 eps 1-8 are all a direct result of the dvd with lorelie .
"Red johns rules" to what? Was this list of 7 a specific game intended for patrick to take down the BA?
Like i have said before, patrick reacted very strangely when rj "guessed" his list.
He did not act at all and thought nothing of it .
Instead it seemed like patrick was playing a game for lisbon to react to.
Jedi mind tricked her "dont tell the team".
*you really think for one second patrick would think lisbon would keep that secret?
He knew she would act and for some odd reason patrick KNEW rj wouldn't hurt lisbon.
Patrick would NEVER tell lisbon rj info that would get her killed. Never .

Why was partridge murdered ?? It is a giant clue but i dont know what it means.
Why would Macalister kill partridge ?
A ba member kills a ba member to lure lisbon to draw on her face ? Yea right!
Plus macalister wouldnt kill a ba member himself ?
The REAL RED JOHN killed him but why?

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