Who is Red John?

Theory #17039 • by Hll


Unrevealed suspect

Unrevealed suspect
Suspected in 1k+ theories


I've never really liked any "List of 7" suspects for RJ, that is individually speaking BUT...as a collective whole, they might all just add up to RJ quite well [The whole is greater than the sum of it's parts]

WHAT IF Rebecca Anderson's RJ is not the same as Lorelei Martins RJ.....WHAT IF:

HAFFNER committed the 1988 Visualize Barn murders...because he was there at the time, a troubled youth, and is connected with Visualize.  Do we have ANY information about McAllister's connection with Visualize?

PARTRIDGE killed Janet and Carter Peak...because it SURE looks like Partridge in the picture, not McAllister at all

MCALLISTER...killed Jane's family [as well as a few others]  because Jane killed the man he believed killed his family, and I believe that much is true

KIRKLAND TWIN was Rosalind Harker's lover..because McAllister doesn't fit this bill and we know the least about Kirkland Twin, but enough to know he fits her description exactly, especially the "smells of pine" part given his barn is in woods

BERTRAM, I think, went to see Sophie Miller -- but it could have been the other "whistlers" HAFFNER or MCALLISTER

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