Who is Red John?

Theory #17036 • by Stoopkid


Wayne Rigsby

Wayne Rigsby
Suspected in 231 theories


If you think Macalister is red john thats just fine. If you think he is red john and want to read opposing theory's that is great. But why come to this site whoisredjohn.com if you want to simply make fun of people who think something else is going on?
If your so sure of yourself that Macalister is red john why just rehash what actually happened on the show? We all saw episode 8. Yea we all know Macalister was red john for that single episode . We don't need to be reminded .

But people on this site have A LOT of great theory's and clues that show that Macalister MAY not be red john. Respect them.
And if bruno heller made a great show for 5 seasons why would you assume that he automatically started to suck?
You really think it is LOGICAL that the highest rated tv program in the WORLD would just make up clues for fun? Thats a silly way of thinking don't you think?
If Macalister was red john don't you think the show would discuss it a little more ? They have been so hush hush about everything that transpired at Patricks house and after.
They are being secretive because were are getting ready for a bomb filled with surprises ! Tick tick tock

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