Who is Red John?

Theory #16952 • by Hll


Unrevealed suspect

Unrevealed suspect
Suspected in 1k+ theories


I'm amazed that anyone would read and/or believe the interviews that Heller and the actors have given when the show isn't over yet.  How can you take any of it at face value?   

The Mentalist is one of the longest running mysteries ever, with RJ as one of the most memorable villains ever!  I can't think of a show that hid the identity of a character for nearly 6 years?!  Can anyone?  

So, because of that, the suspense of this show has been incredible, and I'm sure the media pumps Heller & co. for information every chance they get.  Heller, the writers and the actors are totally ON THE SPOT because of how much everyone wants to know!! What is Heller SUPPOSED TO SAY?  Tell us the ending? 

"So Heller, is the "list" for real?"  

"Uh, no, TV GUIDE, the list isn't exactly real, it's sort of real because there ARE villains on it, and yet the real RJ isn't there, no.  What we're going to be watching is Jane pretending to go along with it because he knows by investigating everyone on the list he'll uncover a huge corrupt cop network as well as get closer to the real RJ -- but in the mean time, Jane's got to convince the whole CBI team that the list is legitimate since he knows someone on the team has direct access to RJ and he has to convince RJ that he believes it."

I mean, REALLY, is that what Heller is supposed to say A YEAR before the mystery is OVER?  LOL 

I admit, these last few months haven't been easy, kind of like feeling your way through the dark [Rosalind Harker said RJ was "cruel" to leave her hanging like he did and -- I understand how she feels -- we viewers have all been like Harker to Heller's clues]....BUT...

Try to think of it like we've been climbing a hill [which is the hard part] and NOW, we're halfway there, standing at the top --- SO...it's all downhill from here...WHEE!!

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