Who is Red John?

Theory #16923 • by Hll


Unrevealed suspect

Unrevealed suspect
Suspected in 1k+ theories


SOME of RJ's characteristics [if forgetting something, please feel free to add to this list]:

Amazingly charismatic 
Women lay down their lives for him///men want to work for him and be his friend [maybe it's his expert whistling]
even though they openly know he's a serial killer and they're probably next

He kidnaps women, chains them in barns and basements 
and likes to taser, bind, torture, cut people up with linoleum knife and "play" with viscera 
draw smiley faces on the wall in blood
but in spare time, he creates and runs a complex mafia police network named after a his favored poem and then requires special tattoos on such mafia people who have to chant favorite poem to each other [I wonder if he got special deals at a specific tattoo shop?]

He's arrogant, narcissistic, and well spoken, a 
master hypnotist and mind controller 
and yet plays "dumb yokel" because he's "hiding" that he's smarter than everyone else

well read, presumably educated 

sips tea like he grew up knowing how
likes classical piano music, especially Bach

wearer of a fancy guy ring and nice looking watch, as well as fine suits

also wearer of hoodies, cowboy boots, plastic masks and a wedding ring
who will "hunt anything with a face," skin and quarter it

He's "just under six feet tall, with short, straight hair, not muscular but not soft, with strong hands"
and McAllister is 6 ft tall, long and lean, severely balding with what hair he has slightly wavy when it's longer than an inch  -- and often wearing facial hair

"Middle aged"
McAllister is more "grandpa status" [nearer to 60 than to 40]. 

"gentle voice"
McAllister has gravelly texture to masculine voice that he can freakishly turn into a high pitched troll voice

He's an expert in forensics 
AND surveillance 
AND computer hacking  [that's A LOT of training]

He's afraid of birds 
but not of walking on rooftops

He's used and killed untold numbers of people
and yet begs for mercy when he's about to be killed, admitting he's sorry

He has conjugal visits with blind redhead that he hangs out with for a couple of months in San Angelo [near Los Angeles]
EVEN THOUGH he ALSO has a REGULAR job as a small town Sheriff 
that he has to show up for everyday with regular shifts presumably

He smells of pine, dirt and metal -- even though paperwork, police car, coffee and cigarettes, beer, deer guts and beef jerky, grapes and wine are more likely


He can be anywhere around the state of California at a moment's notice --- from Napa Valley to Sacramento to Los Angeles to Tijuana and back up again all in a day's work!

WOW, what a GUY!  

I'm sorry, I'm not buying that McAllister was ALL of these things.  
Sounds like a lot of different people.

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