Who is Red John?

Theory #16914 • by Brigmorewitches


Patrick Jane

Patrick Jane
Suspected in 673 theories


If The Mentalist had an opening like Burn Notice ;-

My name is Patrick Jane,I used to be a psychic until.  ( http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/redjohn_5216.gif )

When you lose your family you've got nothing.No hope,no faith,no motivation. You're stuck in whatever situation you dumped yourself in.

You do whatever work comes your way. ( CBI )

You rely on anyone who will talk to you. A trigger happy boss (Lisbon),an old associate who used to inform on you to the FBI (Virgil) , Stiles too if you're desperate.

Bottom line when you're out for revenge,you're not going anywhere.

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