Who is Red John?

Theory #16906 • by someonedisappointed


Unrevealed suspect

Unrevealed suspect
Suspected in 1k+ theories


Hi everyone,

I really don't know who the god damn f**k is RJ.
What i'm sure of is that MacAllister is not RJ. BH is fooling/trolling us. As you prefer.
RJ always have at least one step ahead PJ. It is something that everybody noticed for sure. RJ is far smarter than everybody. It's obvious that MacAllister doesn't fit at all to the RJ's profile. Like if a mastermind as RJ would show up like this for no reason in front of Jane. RJ doesn't want to kill PJ, if he wanted to, it would be over for PJ a long time ago. He is playing with him.
According to me, RJ is smarter enough to not get any closer or PJ like the suspects. He knows that PJ is skilled, he can't take this risk.
I don't even know if RJ get involved in any murder. He is the king, like in chess. He give orders and the others act. He will not get involved, only if he has no choice.
As a psychopat anyway, RJ should not have resist to the pleasure of meeting personally PJ once to taunt him. It is the real RJ's power. Must be someone who met PJ and did a smile to him while he was shaking his hand. Someone just transparent, unsuspected.
In my opinion, PJ will never know who RJ is.
In my opinion, the last picture of the TV show will be the face of RJ.
In my opinion, RJ is just a sociopath who found a challenger in PJ. He has no grief with PJ, he just want to play with somebody he think at his mind level. What a serial killer wants is to get caught.
Some none sense :
RJ can't be someone of the CBI. Like if RJ could have anticipate that PJ would join CBI and the team we all know.
What i don't understand is why Van Pelt and Rigsby are excluded from the RJ's after killing history. This part is still fucking up my mind.
The secret organisation of which RJ would be a part of it sounds like crap to me. Another trick i guess, to confuse spectators.
I have no clue of who could be RJ and that's killing me. None of the suspects ( the remaining in the PJ's list ) could be RJ. They just don't fit.
RJ is a low profile, a challenger who just want to demonstrate he is the master who fool everyone he want since he is smarter than everyone.

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