Who is Red John?

Theory #16903 • by Stoopkid


Wayne Rigsby

Wayne Rigsby
Suspected in 231 theories


I just watched "the red headed stepchild" from season 4 i think.
Its the one about prison and rigsbys dad.

Now i could care less if you disagree but this episode proves to ME that Rigsby is red john.
When Mr Rigsby uses his knife you see wayne's eyes just crumble.
Wayne Rigsby was majorily abused by his dad and most likely made all life decisions to be nothing like his dad . But you know how that goes ? He is prob just like his crazy ass dad deep inside.

The other thing that seemed to stand out was when MR Rigsby said "weakness is in the eyes boy"
Wayne made a face like he has heard that 1000 times before. I immediately thought about the rj smiley face and how it bleeds from the eyes.

Jane's elaborate plan was to get cbi shutdown. The only reason red john has been one step ahead is because he is Rigsby or Rigsby is one hell of an accomplice .
Jane has not moved on at all. He is playing a con and its almost completed .
He wanted Lisbon and cho by his side and wanted Rigsby and van pelt far away.

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