Who is Red John?

Theory #16899 • by RED_LUTZ


Bret Stiles

Bret Stiles
Suspected in 550 theories


There's no way Stiles and Haffner just die off screen and are never mentioned agian.  They have to show what happened at Jane's house when the camera cuts away before the explosion    that's where the Jane/Mentalist twist is             McAllister is not Red John just another Timothy Carter  and Timothy Carter was a more convincing Red John than McAllister   there has to be more proof than a one time character just showing up and saying they are RJ     this New Beginning is just a huge misdirection     what's the logic?  it's not like RJ dominated the show  one or two RJ episodes and the finale       how is the RJ story ruining the show       without the RJ storyline The Mentalist is just another murder procedural          jane's life after RJ's death is a DVD bonus featurette or a bunch of mini webisodes    not the last season and a half (if there is a season 7)    untill the end of the season I still believe Red John is still alive     the list and the explosion is just RJ playing with Jane         why let him live after the explosion if you are just gonna kill him the next day   RJ is just toying with Jane        

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