Who is Red John?

Theory #16876 • by Brody


Thomas McAllister

Thomas McAllister
Suspected in 1k+ theories


Yes @hbjbjhjbjhb or whatever your name is, Brody is dead, he was hanged in public. And you know what, I don't care that people here found out this way! On this website I got so much abuse in the past, people calling me horrible names that I would never use! I never ever use bad, humiliating words for other people, here it happens all the time.That's bullying so it's not me who did something wrong. 

And don't bother to comment, I won't read them, I didn't read them before either. If you guys talked to others with respect, people here would respect you more! I don't give a damn that I told you about Brody! Stoopkid & Co deserve it for ruining this website!

Good bye!

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