Who is Red John?

Theory #16862 • by Stoopkid


Unrevealed suspect

Unrevealed suspect
Suspected in 1k+ theories


"You're very much like him ya know ? The way you can look at someone and see right through them"
"He is a very good man, he is on a mission of love and enlightenment"
--two quotes by the secretary that killed
Bosco and his team.

***Does this sound like macalister at all ? Does it sound like its anyone from the BA? Love and enlightenment does not sound like a secret police force. It sounds more like a religious cult .

Brett Styles can read people and see right through them or it could be some other visualize member with the same powers to read people. Dont worry guys, macalister was hypnotized, that is why the bird scared him so much because he was in a trance .

---remember when rigsby was hypnotized and jane took him to a playground ?
Rigsby had a fear of swings or playgrounds and started crying his eyes out and freaking out as well.
My point is that someone who is hypnotized seems to be vulnerable when it comes to their fears.
No way macalister never encountered birds while on the job and i highly doubt he cried like a girl when he saw them.

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