Who is Red John?

Theory #16831 • by AIHuskavelli


Wayne Rigsby

Wayne Rigsby
Suspected in 231 theories


Sheriff hardy is really dumar tanner . Related to orville tanner . Orville tanner was rjs first accompice and later stayed in touch with rj. Rj is very close to the tanner family.
Dumar and rj were buliding a ranch together . Thats where they were gonna take patrick if lisbon didnt intervene .

Red john drew the smiley face at the barn.
Definitely has visualize ties and possibly is brett styles son.
I think rj is visualizes biggest secret .

My theory: the concussion bomb obviously knocked out macalister too right? So it makes sense someone else was involved from outside the house.
Rj drug all the bodies out.
Styles hypnotized macalister into thinking he was rj.
Sounds crazy but it makes more sense than macalister getting knocked out by his own bomb. Waking up before the others and dragged all those bodies by himself .
If macalister survived the bomb we should conclude that everyone else COULD have too.

RJinfrance has 1 e you dumbass . This is just to the sad loser who just stalks and impersonates me . theres a comeupance headed your way.

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