Who is Red John?

Theory #16809 • by Stoopkid


Wayne Rigsby

Wayne Rigsby
Suspected in 231 theories


The Final "Mentaltwist"

Maybe I'm just feining for the mentalist to come back but i think i understand this season in terms of how heller is handling it and where it is going. Here it goes.

I initially never believed what heller said about this season. I thought it was weird he made comments about the show giving away clues when he didn't have to. Let alone releasing info weekly. Weird right ? Who does that? Ive watched a lotta shows end and its never been like this.
But then i started reading in-between his lines.
He said and im paraphrasing "we did not want to RUSH anything we could of been cancelled and wanted to do it on our terms without being rushed".
Now that statement is double speak. It is double speak because they were about to be cancelled but they also DID rush it . Or so we thought.

Saying this season was the end of red john creates crazy internet and media buzz.
Its all about buzz these days in the media/tv world.
Ratings are iffy to calculate with the advent of dvr and youtube etc.
Then heller makes comments weekly as well as the tv guide article etc which made even more buzz and publicity and talk show appearances.

Then the season unfolds and its just jane going down the list. The first 8 episodes were ALL about the list.
The list was the key to the show's buzz. It showed fans and SOON TO BE FANS that red john was finally in janes reach. It was the first time there was a red john name by name countdown until the end. It was the light at the end of the tunnel, or the dragons finally coming in "game of thrones".
**But it was all a trick. The list was a trick in the actual show as well as real life or at least hollywood.
They were in danger of being cancelled and did not want to rush it so they faked the whole thing!
Tweets, mentions, likes, views , message boards, and internet chatter about the mentalist was rising during the list countdown, increasing all the way till the reveal episode. THIS IS WHY THE SHOW WASNT CANCELLED.
Now we have a whole other half of a season after christmas break where red john will be revealed on Bruno's terms like he said he was gonna do.

He said "we did not want to rush it".
If bruno actually took his time and not faked the reveal then the mentalist would of been cancelled after episode 10. There would of been no january 5th episode ! I would have cried haha. Im serious.

-this linc shows that the mentalist was renewed december 18th!!!

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