Who is Red John?

Theory #16768 • by Gagagoo


Wayne Rigsby

Wayne Rigsby
Suspected in 231 theories


Ok so Rigsby is Red John's mole and this season, Red John has been giving Jane clues to lead him to Tyger Tyger, who Red John is against. Now, Red John wants to play again. Justin Bieber is Red John. He had his own rival association, which is called the Drake Association. The first person says "Baby, baby" to a "baby ooooh!" response from the second person. Bieber has a huge reservoir of followers, mainly of the female disposition. Bieber mainly targets women because he is physically weak. When Kira Tindsley did not ask for his autograph, he snaps and kills her. Bieber recently got tattoos to cover up the 3 dots, a genius move, if I may.

Lorelei says to Jane,"You're just like him." Jane was absolutely horrified when he was compared to him. I know Lorelei was angry, but I think she went too far. I saw the insult break something in Jane. The show was doomed from that point.

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