Who is Red John?

Theory #16761 • by RED_LUTZ


Thomas McAllister

Thomas McAllister
Suspected in 1k+ theories


I believed McAllister when he said he wasn't Red John.  I didn't buy his Red John reveal.  Timothy Carter was a more convincing RJ than McAllister.  The show has to convince the audience that the character is RJ and McAllister didn't convince me at all. you can't just have some character appear out of nowhere and just say they are Red John they have to prove it                 I have not heard one person say they were happy or satisfied about the RJ reveal   the show hasn't even done a good job of making a new begining or given us a storyline that replaces the RJ story   If Timothy Carter wasn't RJ and did such a good job of playing RJ than I believe McAllister was doing the same    if Red John could hypnotize Christene Frye into a catatonic state than he could hypnotize Carter and McAllister to believe they are Red John   Jane killed them both caues he believed they were RJ     he believed them because they were hypnotized to believe they were RJ                                                            how does Bertram not know who RJ is but knows about the "silly voice" ?

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