Who is Red John?

Theory #16741 • by RedReveal


Patrick Jane

Patrick Jane
Suspected in 673 theories


It's funny how, before the Red John reveal, I would be watching The Mentalist and whenever someone interrupted, I would RAGE. I would be irritated at the littlest things (my brother tapping his pencil on the desk, slurping a drink until it's completely finished, etc.).  I used to concentrate on this show like no other.

Now, I'm being distracted by flies, things outside of the window, and, one time, I literally stared at a gum wrapper for 20 minutes, not realizing that I had completely spaced out while watching the show. It's ridiculous. I actually haven't seen Sunday's episode yet because I had forgotten about the show. How can The Mentalist transition from being so well-written, captivating, and amusing to almost repelling? I don't understand the thought process behind the RJ reveal (maybe there was none, or maybe there is something grand that awaits us). Regardless, the show is going down the shitter, at least for me. Obviously everyone has their own opinion of it, but if a majority of viewers are suddenly becoming disinterested in the show, that's a blatant sign that the writers fucked up, badly.

Oh well, I still enjoy people writing theories (regardless of if they'll come true in the future or not); at least you all have hope for the show. I lost it a while ago, and I'm wondering if it'll ever return for me.

Until then, Sherlock it is! Great show if you haven't seen it; watch it NOW! I wish I could say the same about The Mentalist, but then I would be lying, at least for everything including and past the horrendous RJ reveal.

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