Who is Red John?

Theory #16670 • by Stoopkid


Wayne Rigsby

Wayne Rigsby
Suspected in 231 theories


You read my case file ? Haha
You have nothing against me but you periodically check my profile stats? I didnt even know there were such things.
You cant say my theorys are better or worse because they are the same
You have no idea whats gonna happen so why act all high and mighty like you and all the "true mentalist fans" had great theorys. What partridge is red john? Great theory so smart .
Listen buddy, theres gonna be a lot of surprises coming soon and they of coarse will be red john related.
Im not here for green buttons im here to spark debate but nobody wants to talk about anything except for a few smart people who see the se clues as i do.
Yea there are MANY people who believe red john is alive so my question is , who the heck are you to make fun of my theorys?
Question, is rigsny being written off the show?
Ok now ask yourself how, and get back to me when it happens . K ? Cool
And let me know how my stats are please since you check it hoping nobody agrees with me haha

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