Who is Red John?

Theory #16629 • by Hll


Unrevealed suspect

Unrevealed suspect
Suspected in 1k+ theories


Red John has qualified as one of the greatest TV villains of all time.  So, why would the story of such an epic character -- end mid-stream -- just like that, poof, and then be treated like they never happened? 

It doesn't make a bit of sense, so of course most of us are going to feel resignation and disappointment!   It would be NORMAL to feel this way because we've been set up and led to believe otherwise FOR FIVE YEARS.

So don't ask me to go against my better mind and believe that that's all there is to the Red John story -- and that he's dead when there is no real evidence to support it besides the fact that Jane was long overdue to strangle SOMEONE for the pain of losing his family. 

Deep down, we know better.  And, I can't wait to read these posts when the RJ storyline returns.

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