Who is Red John?

Theory #16482 • by Egbert


Unrevealed suspect

Unrevealed suspect
Suspected in 1k+ theories


How disappointing.

What was once a truly unique series has now become a buddy-cop show.

Had they attempted a transition of this sort following the excellent (and satisfying) conclusion to Season three then they might have gotten away with it. But to see Jane and Lisbon giggling over a pair of socks and chortling about "how much trouble" they can cause is truly depressing.

Having watched this show for six years, bought the box-sets and thought deeply about the resolution of the Red John story, I cannot describe how disappointed I have been with this awful season. The whole "Tyger-Tyger" nonsense, the idiotic "list" plus the multiple unanswered questions leave me cold.

For the first time ever I was not looking forward to this episode.

Unless they pull something amazing out of their hat before the end of this season I suspect the show will be cancelled outright.

The whole things stinks of despair and lack of imagination.

Pretty much any contributer to this forum could have assembled a better story-line than the one they ran with.

Poor, poor show.

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