Who is Red John?

Theory #16469 • by Stoopkid


Wayne Rigsby

Wayne Rigsby
Suspected in 231 theories


Calling all Mentalist Fans

This board isn't about right and wrong answers. The website is built for good discussions about what may happen. This is not a court of law or a science convention. Everything is fair game in a tv show as Great as this. Don't act like you don't love this f'n show.
Ill share what i have, and then you build off of that. I want to hear what Everyone thinks. You have to admit that the show seems weird lately, like something big is going to happen. How could it not? 5 years of greatness must end in full circle greatness.

Evidence (Minus the input of the Showmen Bruno Heller)

The Character of Macalister is NOT like Red John in any way.
The biggest red flag was his fear of dying.
Red John is not afraid to die , he believes that "He will not be judged" and does NOT believe in hell.
William blake was gnostic. If i could explain gnosticism at its core in one sentence it would be that man is god. And that there isnt a man with a beard in the sky that judges people.
Macalister doesn't seem like the reading literature, listing to bach, and sipping tea type?
-Why would Red John have a 3 dot tattoo?
-Why didn't he kill patrick on the roof in the wedding episode?
-Macalister didn't know that the lady in the church was on his or Red Johns side?
(These are endless so please comment some more like this)
---Macalister was assuming the identity of Red John to cover up certain BA related murders. He used BRETT PARTRIDGE for help on those cases.

-How did she see his tattoo? A tanktop? stop.
-Why did he not Kill her completely! Why leave her with enough breath to tell patrick anything? Rj slits throats right?
****TRUTH- Tinsley did not work for visualize. She worshipped Red John. She smiled at the door and Red john killed her AND instructed her to TELL PATRICK ABOUT THE BA, leading him astray to Bertram and the rest.
Red John used her like Lorelie Martins.
side note- rigsby told cho he was gonna get him a girl and lo and behold a girl hired by red john comes to cho in the form of KARA TINSLEY ;) hmm
-Why would Macalister visit her before he tortured and killed her. Why waste time?
She said that he was Lying about everything in her interview
Red John spoke of the neurosis of the Ba Members including macalister in the interview?
Why would he dime himself out? and seem like he's lying as he does it? NO
Jane said even though he is lying he is still leaving "CLUES"
Red John got the memory he wanted from Sophie and also led jane to Macalister and Bertram in the process. Why else would red john sit down with her?
-Why would she think Jane and Macalister would be such great friends? Jane is the opposite of a cowboy haha
-Lorelie Martins went to kill red john for killing and RAPING HER SISTER . Then posts a video saying Red john is mad at me for Telling you about the Handshake! WTF? and he's not mad you tried to kill him?
-Red John has never raped any of his victims. Ever.
Lorelie never went to Kill Red John. She did not believe Red John Did it and was messing with Patrick. She knew that the BA members were behind her sisters death. She is working with Red John to take them down. She said aloud the names of all the BA members on Patricks list. You will think i am crazy but SHE IS ALIVE. **watch her death scene again and look at the picture of the lady on the left it says ALIVE , plus her throat was not slit in typical red john fashion.

Do You think it is PLAUSIBLE that Red John MAY be alive ? Not definite but Maybe be alive?

Not plausible is Macalister is for a FACT red john and that season 6 will be the first season to not end with a red john story line ?

Faith is why you are here on this site, you believe there is more , lets talk about it....

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