Who is Red John?

Theory #16387 • by Stoopkid


Wayne Rigsby

Wayne Rigsby
Suspected in 231 theories


I have finally cracked the code ! With help from a very brilliant woman from France ;)
This woman shower me things that were in plain sight the whole time, and wow when you go back an re watch some eps with a fresh perspective , its awesome !!
Spoiler alert !
I wont spoil too much for u bc that is just mean but just go and watch the high school reunion episode.
The clue is Derrick Logan.
I have clues for days to prove more but i am staarting slow with u.

The reason why the macalister reveal did NOT answer anyones questions is because SHERIFF is NOT RED JOHN!
When the real red john is revealed than there will be flashbacks. Flashbacks to the high school reunion ep, flashbacks to the barn, visualeyes connection. I know it all now!!! Not gonna lie it feels great too

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