Who is Red John?

Theory #16154 • by mjt2


Thomas McAllister

Thomas McAllister
Suspected in 1k+ theories


Love the hopefulness still on this site - that the episode that aired was purely a trick & that wasn't really RJ, that there is some elaborate ruse going on in true Mentalist style that will soon satisfy us all.

Each week after the episodes there's been a "well there must be a twist, that can't be how it ends" feel to most peoples comments, but more edging towards "I think that might actually have been how it ends...".

I think todays episode will finally kill off all this hope & reveal the unfortunate truth, this seasons been horribly written & the RJ arc has been thrown in the bin without clearing up any of the questions that needed to be answered to give this part of the story the ending it deserved.

I hope I'm wrong as it could have been so good, but I gave up a couple of weeks ago on a good ending & I fully expect to be disappointed with the next episode (in regards to clearing up the RJ saga).

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