Who is Red John?

Theory #16095 • by utkarsh


Unrevealed suspect

Unrevealed suspect
Suspected in 1k+ theories


hey folks. sorry, but m really tired so pardon me if the writing is not upto ur standards. but I was a fierce critic and even I am a fierce critic of the red john revels. However, I have had some interesting thoughts.

Remember John Doe from seven? the creepy killer who manages to turn a normal detective into a rage driven murderer. So maybe Heller wants to play down the killer and make the hype less. Maybe he does not want to eulogize and celebrate a serial killer. And maybe a serial killer is actually just a bloke who is afraid of dying. I see no harm in not glorifying a serial psychopath killer. Now you dont want children from 2 generations afterwards to defend the brilliance of rj and such shitty stuff.....so maybe heller did this out of a social responsibility. just a thought really.

god bless one and all...

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