Who is Red John?

Theory #16065 • by EatmyassHeller


Dr. Linus Wagner

Dr. Linus Wagner
Suspected in 29 theories



“He will face ramifications from killing Red John,” says Bruno Heller, who created the show, “and that impacts his ability to remain in law enforcement.”

In the larger picture, though, Heller says the show feels a sense of
liberation. Killing Red John “removes the darkness that was always
around the edge,” he says.

So a show that has always had a strong undercurrent of humor now may have more.

“We won’t dwell on Red John,” says Baker. “Jane will focus more on
questions like, ‘What do I have to live for? What do I do now?’ ”

Some fans have speculated that “The Mentalist” may end after this
season, so perhaps Heller and Baker wanted to finish the Red John arc
and give themselves half a season for an epilogue that obviously
interests them.

Heller doesn’t frame it like that.

“The way to truly surprise people,” he says, “is to do something before they think you’ll do it.”
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/tv-movies/revenge-complete-mentalist-takes-new-path-article.... Since we are are blowing up the show I would like to see Jane toss Lisbons salad. Red John and the Blake society are gone and we need to move on. Long live this website! and http://redjohnisdead.wordpress.com/?p=115&preview=true

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