Who is Red John?

Theory #16027 • by Tearas


Bob Kirkland

Bob Kirkland
Suspected in 751 theories


What if it ended like this: McAllister confronts Patrick in the church and under gun point he explains most things/clues because he likes to brags about it. So instead of 20 minutes running we could get 20 minutes of talking/mind games between PJ and RJ and get our clossure on some points (if there could be one). RJ finishes his speech by saying "You should have accepted that I am smarter than you" and PJ replies with "Can I show you one last thing?" and by that he throws in the air 2 handfulls of bread crums (no pigeon in his pocket) and a flock of pigeons living in the church rushes to them, RJ gets off balance and PJ gets on top of him and strangles him. 

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