Who is Red John?

Theory #16023 • by realistics_101


Bob Kirkland

Bob Kirkland
Suspected in 751 theories


I am not in DENIAL... I am being REALISTIC...

I will not talk about anything, any clue about the seasons before 6th. Just a few questions for all of us here:

1- Have you noticed the elaboration and delicacy of the things handled in this show? The way the cases being solved for example?

2- Do you think it's just a last minute decision to end the Red John saga early this season is made on random choice?

Please ask yourselves the above questions. Because not everything is money in this show business. Spielberg has money but he has a name as well. Same goes for Nolan, Darabont, Kubrick, Wachowskis, etc. All these people have contributed to this sector with something new or with a different approach. Money is just the natural outcome when you succeed. The main thing is having a name in the market. This you can only do by doing the undone in today's world. And I believe that Heller is trying to do this (even if he has to lie to his audience). Now, let me get to the point:

6th season only:

* Lisbon being kept alive: Sheriff has no direct bounds with her. There's no logical explanation why he spared him. Why would you shoot such a scene if it meant nothing? Just to keep people happy to see her alive? Because Patrick loves her? Well he loved Angela and Charlotte too but they didn't survive right? No, simply the good old sheriff is not RJ. That's why...

* 3 dot tattoo (3DT): Imagine that you're a narcissist egomaniac bastard burning with delusions of grandeur and you are building a secret organization where people die for you (I mean you have that much of power over them). Would you have yourself marked with 3DT just like your disciples? I wouldn't. I'd like them to know who the boss is and only the sheep can be marked. Not the shepherd.

* What makes Mc Allister different than Carter? Both claimed to be Red John, both admitted their crimes, both are dead (though Carter did it with more dignity), both proved that they can talk with a high pitched voice (it being Simon who voiced over RJ doesn't mean anything. It's just a figure.).

* The PI chic died not before revealing the 3DT clue was a mistake? Was it RJ who killed her? If he did, he took a break strangling her to show her the tattoo in his arm? Or it wasn't Red John who killed her but a disciple (still eager to show his tattoo)? If the purpose was to silence her, wouldn't it be much easier to put a bullet in her head with your silenced pistol? Onening the door is 10 secs, shooting her from close distance is 1 sec, getting out and disappearing is another 20-25 secs. Why bother strangling her? This end is open. it's open because there's much to tell in the future.

* What keeps RJ from speaking to Jane on the phone before if it's only to tell him that the game is over and he's won? I mean Bertram didn't look so busy in the church and he could have well held a phone to let the two talk. If RJ was such a coward who's scared of death, why would he come to meet him in person? Anything could have happen. FBI would frame him, CBI would frame him, anything. If I was red John, I wouldn't dare to lose my playmate that easy. i mean who says the game is over? Game can very well continue. Even if I am the boss of BA, there are thousands of members and nobody knows who I am. Why should I ruin it and ALSO lose my playmate for good by killing him or being killed by him? My face wouldn't be important. The only thing matters is that Jane should know I'm still out there. I don't have to come face to face with him to prove it. A simple phone call would do the job. What? Am I suddenly bored playing with the man I'd been looking for my whole life to play? if Jane will get me, he will have to find me himself. I wouldn't offer myself in a silver tray. Sometimes when you play cards with someone and you're constantly winning, the other guy may get bored and want to quit playing, so every now and then you let him win some hands just to keep playing and proving him that he can also win some. But the case here is totally different. I took his family's life. He will never rest until he beats me. Knowing this by heart, why would I just let him win? Because letting someone win in this case either means I'm dead or captured. Oh yeah, serial killers want to be caught. Yes, but not offering themselves like that. They want to get caught on action. Besides, the plot claims that RJ wants to be friends with Jane and that's why he reveals himself. If I were RJ and wanted to do such a thing, I wouldn't be carrying a gun in my hand. I'd just stand there unarmed and explain myself. Whatever the consequences will be. You can't become friends with someone and kill him at the same time. I believe that RJ is building the fundamentals for Jane to be able to befriend him. Friends have things in common. That's how you can become friends. Like two serial killers. 

* One Red John disciple just jumps out of the balcony smiling and another one just TRIES to save him and then goes her own way? Another open end.

* Rigsby asking "is it ok to kill the boss?" rings no bells?

* Ok, I will talk about only one thing from earlier seasons. Rosalind said RJ had a gentle voice right? What part of Sheriff's voice is gentle? Or was he using that funny voice all that time he spent with her? God, he would have throat cancer already.

Such plot holes do not happen in shows like Mentalist. If they do, Heller's production career gets damaged (whereas I believe that he is planning the contrary)

By the way, I started watching "Profiler". Definitely more thrilling. Highly recommended.


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