Who is Red John?

Theory #16021 • by WasntRedJohn


Brett Partridge

Brett Partridge
Suspected in 1k+ theories


Ok People, here is a list of the Red John episodes:

Season 1: 01, 11, 23
Season 2: 08, 23
Season 3: 03, 09, 16, 23 - 24
Season 4: 01, 02, 07, 11, 13, 17, 23, 24
Season 5: 01, 05, 06, 07, 08, 13, 16, 18, 19, 22
Season 6: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08

People have been complaining that this Red John reveal felt rushed.
If you look at the episode numbers, anyone can see there is a growing frequency in Red John episodes. It's actually nearly perfect placement of Red Johns reveal.

And although Thomas McAllister was not who I thought was going to be Red John, he was only one of two from the list I thought it was, and I knew it was either him or Partridge, because it was always going to be one of the two dead guys.
So I'm not disappointed it's McAllister, because none of the evidence negates it being McAllister.
You at least have to admit that to yourself.

But to me it was a disappointing episode. And not even because, like a lot of people think, Red John turned out to be a bit of a whiny chump begging for his life. But because the way in which he took control of the situation wasn't at all clever. It was just a simple magic trick.
Which you could argue is why it worked. Red John may have been look for some elaborate trap didn't see one, had a false sense of security and that's why he went for it.

However, I much would have preferred a double episode with Jane managing to work out that it was McAllister and catching him.

If Heller had just made Jane somehow force Bertrams hand, catch him and make him believe he was still free, and force Bertram into the position of meeting Jane.

Perhaps if Jane had worked with the CBI, and arranged a scenario where the CBI would get close to Bertram but let him escape a couple of times, really turn up the heat on him and have Jane slip him a phone and Jane tell him, 
"I know you're not Red John, but I know you know who he is. Lets arrange a meeting and you can use my car to escape if you tell me who Red John is". 
Bertram see's a trap and doesn't trust Jane, but he explains that he doesnt care about Bertram, he only cares about Red John. He doesn't want the CBI to catch him, he wants to kill him himself."
Bertram's desperate.
The the Feds come in and do what they do, and Jane does what he does.
Bertram phones Jane a the park and Jane arranges the meet, tricking Bertram like he does into accepting the church as the meeting place.
When they do meet up, Jane covers his bases in case Red John is watching and is determined that Bertram is Red John to his face and the meet was just a ruse. 
Jane claims that the CBI are on their way, knowing that RJ would know they've been disbanded, but Bertram wouldn't. Bertram decides to hurry things along, gets Cordero to pull the gun and so on. 
Bertram gets shot, RJ turns up as McAllister, who feels an extra little nugget of pride of outsmarting Jane again when he hears Jane think RJ is Bertram.
And what happens, happens. Jane has the pidgeon because Cordero only padded him down as far as finding the gun.
Then on the grass, by the pond, when McAllister says 
"Don't you want to know how I knew the list?" Jane says 
"I live, sleep and work in a room surrounded by windows, all you'd need is a telescope. I don't care how you know."
Then with his hand pressing harder on his throat tells him,
"But when you set the concussion bomb in my house, you pulled me, Bertram and Smith to the next room. You placed a decoy body, set of an incendiary bomb and faked your death. That's when I knew it was you." You see confusion on McAllister's face.
"You got Partridge to change your DNA record before you killed him, that's how you fooled forensics. I knew I had you, but I couldn't tell anyone because you'd have run. I had to let you think you outsmarted me again, I had to make you think I thought it was Bertram."
Fear runs across McAllister's face and Jane squeezes more on his throat,
"I knew you'd want him dead. Just like Reed Smith. You always want them dead. And so I used him as my bait. I knew you wouldn't be able to resist coming to see me get it wrong again."
McAllister tries to keep him self alive a few moments longer,
"The list..... I'm psychic...."
Jane puts more pressure on his throat,
"Then you should've seen this coming"
Jane then squeezes the life out of him, as McAllister tries to push Jane off but hasn't the strength and he dies.

If that had happened, I'd have been much happier.

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