Who is Red John?

Theory #16006 • by Saturn


Unrevealed suspect

Unrevealed suspect
Suspected in 1k+ theories


I read a recent interview from simon baker and Heller.  Heller explains the rationale behind the final Red John episode, its a fitting rationale that fits the framework of that episode.  I watched it again from the perspective of Patrick Jane and I must confess that If I was Jane, I wouldn't be interested in hearing anything about red johns back story or how he knew so much.  I wouldn't want to give him the satisfaction of admiration, all I would be focused on was destroying the man responsible for the death of my loved ones and ending many others lives.  From that perspective I find the episode much more enjoyable and fitting.  However, is this what I wanted to experience?  Most definitely not, I watch these kind of programmes for entertainment, to be transported into a world that is unrealistic and in no way resembles the day to day occurrences of real life and real people.  Heller mentions in his interview that he wanted to show how red john was much like an ordinary man, with fears and vulnerabilities, but does that make a great story?  A wise man once said "don't let the truth get in the way of a good story"  and this should be the core philosophy for all things related to storytelling in the area of entertainment, otherwise.....whats the difference in watching the news!

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