Who is Red John?

Theory #15921 • by Stoopkid


Grace Van Pelt

Grace Van Pelt
Suspected in 303 theories


My hope:
Styles is alive. Lisbon eluded to him being alive with foreshadowing. Macalister started tiger tiger but styles was his teacher . How else could he brainwash kristina frye ? Macalister pulled
Out styles before the bomb.
Van pelt is related to styles. I know this show has made up clues for no reason but they are showing us a weird connection between the two. The show is also making rigsby look suspicious. There is a good reason why many thought he was rj. He has been so out of character lately . Re watch that usb scene with them in bertrams secret storage . Weird dynamic going on. It felt like it went like this :"hey cho your buying into our plan to make bertram look like red john right" . Rigsby wasnt asking van pelt he was staring at cho as he addressed them both

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