Who is Red John?

Theory #15841 • by Guilh3rmeLuzz


Thomas McAllister

Thomas McAllister
Suspected in 1k+ theories


"I have a dream! And in that dream Heller will cut the nonsense crap and give us explanations about Red John's past!"

Its a real shame! Ok, McAllister is a good Red John, a sheriff would have the freedom to come and go without anyone asking what he was doing, etc. Xander Berkeley is and amazing actor but the script for "Red John" episode is just lame.

I was madly angry when i read the interview that says Heller only decided who was Red John a couple of years ago. So ALL THOSE YEARS we were chasing NOTHING! There was NO RED JOHN! Not even Heller knew who he was! That's is fuc**!@# ... ¬¬ 

The scene when McAllister says "Its totally fair. The game is over and i won", i kinda raped the REPLAY, i just started to laugh, SIMON BAKER's voice in Xander Berkley, a shit dubbing. It was more than anything funny hahahaha.. 

So.. we know who is Red John, finally, but we also have NO IDEIA of WHO is Red John, if you know that i mean, there was 0 explanations. What about the SHOT on Patrick's house? Was that the concussion bomb? Did i miss anything? .__. 

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