Who is Red John?

Theory #15580 • by greenjane


Thomas McAllister

Thomas McAllister
Suspected in 1k+ theories


Ok. so I have only one problem with the red john episode. The fact that Patrick jane did not know who red john really is. PJ is The Mentalist and got out-mentalisted by RJ.

If PJ does not want to know about how RJ got the list, we should not too.

PJ wouldnt want his CBI crew to be a direct accomplice to murder or even put them in harms way hence he did not involve them when going to the cemetary.

PJ has been planning his kill for 10 years and you could see that he truly and unregrettably meant killing RJ while he was doing it. He is free finally and doesnt care about any unanswered questions. He can now move on.

Once again PJ is the mentalist and that is why i continued to watch this show every week and will continue to watch it for as long as its on. I watch it to experience PJ's cleverness and cold reading and humour when he solves crimes week on week.

Finally, I will end on the same not I started: a rant about why did PJ not know who RJ is (or why did he seem surprised it was not Bertram).

Thank You.

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