Who is Red John?

Theory #15537 • by HellintheBru


Unrevealed suspect

Unrevealed suspect
Suspected in 1k+ theories


Xander Berkeley ‏@xanderberkeley just entered the twitterverse… has anyone seen my soul? I've misplaced it before, but now I think it's really gone.

---Yeah mine too, Xander, all thanks to Bruno Heller. That's just what he does, and he doesn't even have to try. The bitch just ain't a good writer, so I feel you.

Xander Berkeley
I feel like I'm turning red now that it's out that I am #RedJohn. #TheMentalist

---Yeah red from embarrassment at how much Bruno Heller f**ked your character up and the episode!

Xander Berkeley ‏@xanderberkeley That #SimonBaker just takes my breath away…. #TheMenatlist #RedJohn

---Well for me it definitely has to be Bruno because of the 'amazing' (yeah right!) Pigeon scene, Bertram's death (just a pure class act *note the sarcasm*) and the blinking arrangement RJ and PJ had. Now that's what I call teamwork (try it sometime Bruno, would have made the episode better if you collaborated with the other writers). What a farce, the episode had me trippin'! I'm still in stitches from how pathetic BH is. I do skits of it now and I don't even need to change it to a comedy, I just plagiarise that shit right down to the last minute of that episode, thanks BH.

Xander Berkeley ‏@xanderberkeley Are you following #RedJohn's train of thought? #TheMentalist

---Well BH made RJ and the last episode was nothing like RJ so umm...NO! can't follow. I can follow the yellow brick road better than this and that's without Dorothy's help. So I'm off to see the Wizard now, hoping to get Bruno Heller a new brain so that he can write better. And yes Bruno, you're welcome.

Xander Berkeley ‏@xanderberkeley Sorry I am so so sorry #RedJohn #TheMentalist

----Yeah so are we!

Like I said before, writer's block. Bruno needs to get on top of that shit. Or maybe he is very much like RJ. A perceived mastermind at the beginning and now just a pathetic, uncharismatic, sissy little boy. Maybe you should start writing content based on true stories. I'm sure you can't screw that up...well at least I think you cant. But with you, who knows, you are full of surprises aren't ya? Look at it this way, if a story is already true you won't really need to make up anything 'creative' and you wouldn't need to waste your abilities. Wait I'm sorry, scratch that, we just wouldn't want to see your 'abilities' at all, we've already seen enough.

Finally as Bob Marley said "Jane shot the sheriff, but he should of shot Bruno Heller instead". (sorry probably the wrong lyrics, but hey at least it's more creative than your episode will ever be).

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