I went into the last episode with an open mind knowing the reveal wouldn`t be what I wanted but there was so much wrong with that episode. Holy fuckin ball drop. There was no mention of Jane`s past and no connection to Visulize. There was no Mentalist suprise they could have stuck anyone in the Red John role but they chose the hillbilly sheriff who was only in one episode before the 6th season and they didn`t explain anything. What a cop out The whole season was fucked. they should have revealed Red John`s identity in the season 6 finale and added a plot twist like one of Jane`s team is working for Red John and the 7th and last season would be the hunt for Red John and the whole series ends with Red John`s death.and them explaining all the mysteries from the series tying up all the loose ends and satisfying all the fans. Just having someone from the list of 7 wasn`t going to be a shocking at all and then have it be one of the bomb blast victims was lame. The whole Blake Association thing came too late and the FBI was a waste of time. Stiles Kirkland or Partridge would have been a more believeable Red John. I thought the actor did a great job playing Red John but we already saw this with Timothy Carter. Jane throws a pigeon at Red John Red John tries to call 911 acts like a bitch what the fuck happened this is how they were gonna fix sagging ratings they just killed the show they could have had anyone be Red John they could have explained everything episode 8 should have been a Red John origin story showing us everything we wanted to know just like Timothy Carter it`s still open that McCallister is not Red John there`s no fuckin way this is how the Red John saga ends