Who is Red John?

Theory #15459 • by bettyboo


Brett Partridge

Brett Partridge
Suspected in 1k+ theories


Hi Everyone.

I hope you all had time to mourn. I am just here to say my goodbyes and give everyone some friendly advice.
 1.Don't continue watching the show. Don't give Him the satisfaction. Don't reward him for his laziness please. It's a joke. I'm quitting now myself. If you find yourself not wanting to give up fair enough you can't help the actors are what drew you in. But having to look at Abbots face for the next season I know I couldn't do it. I wouldn't look at the show the same way again.

2 Stay away from this new show if you have any sense in your head at all. This is his new pet project. I won't be watching even though I am a fan of all things batman just not Heller. here is a snippet of what is to come from this show. Looks like there is a lot of research to it.

The involvement of Heller points to a police procedural, but Gotham could also choose to focus on — or incorporate — elements of political drama. After all, the Wayne family is tangled closely with Gotham history, and Gotham might be best served as a Caprica-style prequel, tracing the rise and fall of Gotham City’s dynasties, and the origin story of how the once-magnificent city decayed to the crime-ridden metropolis that inspired a superhero.

Heller will probably just pull it from his ASS because he is lazy. I don't see this doing well at all. He would need some great actors to pull this off. He was lucky with the mentalist that he had Baker. Anyway stay well clear.

3. Anyone who says that the episode was amazing, great blah blah is either really ridiculously young and in love with Baker or they need psychiatric help. no seriously, you either are not the full shilling or you have an IQ of 5. There is also the possibility that you are in deep denial because you don't want to let the show go...either way you need some help ..go sort that out.

4 I will visit back here every now and then people just to read not post so continue the site. It's fantastic! So is the www.red-john.info. It was hilarious!

I hope someone here has the talent and ambitious to produce and write themselves makes something better the the piece of crap we watch last night!
Partridge fans it should have been you!!! Hugs!
 I wish you all luck people!
Stay cool!

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