Who is Red John?

Theory #15420 • by yuko-e


Unrevealed suspect

Unrevealed suspect
Suspected in 1k+ theories


So...quick recap:

September 2013
Heller: "I hope people are satisfied and hope it's a great, fun conclusion to that particular aspect of the show. But you can only do your best and put it out there. I know that everyone here is happy and pleased. Sometimes you're forced to hate the conclusions or the wrapping things up in silly, absurd ways or in fact — naming no shows — it turns out they didn't have any idea how they were going to end the show or what the secret was or why there were pygeons ...uhmm I mean polar bears. We have the answers and it's very important to us, for those people who have been following us from the start, to reveal not in a series of cryptic moments that leave a lot of questions begged. We're going to tell the story and explain who Red John is and what happened and what is going to happen as clearly as possible because the audience deserves that."

Latest interview:
Heller: "There is a great deal of [backstory], if anyone waned to ask those questions, I’d be happy to answer. There’s a lot of questions about motivations and what [Red John] was doing and when and how… It makes for great Internet fodder, but it’s not very entertaining for a weekly TV audience."


What the actual f*** went wrong in your head in these 2 months, Bruno Heller??
There were so many ways in which season 6 could have been epic. Instead you say it would not have been very entertaining.

Sad to say I probably won't we sticking with the mentalist until the end of the season. I feel like I was screwed real bad.

I'll just go watch Hitler's reaction, listen to Bach and drink some tea.

Tyger Tyger.

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