Who is Red John?

Theory #15299 • by consumer


Unrevealed suspect

Unrevealed suspect
Suspected in 1k+ theories


The saddest part is that these guys will get away with this shit ending. However, TV is a sector and shows are products. Naturally, we are the consumers. When you buy a pair of waterproof boots, you are promised that those boots will not absorb water. If they do, you just go back to the store (or if you bought it with a distanced purchase i.e.: online, you just post them back) and ask for a replacement or money re-fund. But when a TV product fails to fulfill the promised properties, you just grab your ass to ease the pain.

There must be new regulations in consumer protection law covering TV shows as well. Only then we will see perfect endings and non-discrepant storylines along with reveals. I'd love to see Bruno in the court making a plead for himself and we on the other hand attending as witnesses, and the 6x08 as the concrete evidence. GUILTY as hell!!!

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