Who is Red John?

Theory #15255 • by TheGentleman


Thomas McAllister

Thomas McAllister
Suspected in 1k+ theories


What bugs me is not the choice of RJ, actually i liked McAllister, but its the presentation of the whole thing.

here is how it should go down:

after jane is in the church on the chair talking to Bertram, Bertram denies being RJ bla bla....suddenly you hear the door behind Jane close, and the BOOM "in that soft RJ voice" .."how are you jane, bla bla ..." 

you see a front shot of jane in focus while RJ is back there blurred coming forward as he talks, then that cop dude kills bertam in the precense of RJ.

then you see a shoot where RJ is right behind him and closes down on him sloowly as he says the tyger thingy ..........

its all in vein now, but i seriously loved the show, but the last episode was like it was directed by e newbie  

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