Who is Red John?

Theory #15200 • by CalmDown


Thomas McAllister

Thomas McAllister
Suspected in 1k+ theories


Easy there people, this is not the end of the show yet, how can you be so sure we are not going to get our long awaited answers on the next few episodes?

Have you seen the next episode's promo? Look it up on youtube or something. Doesn't it seem a bit too happy and calm for you? What good is that for a show to spend a whole episode on Jane living his new life with a random woman we don't even know or care about? Don't be fooled, I doubt that's going to be how this show will play itself out for the rest of the season.

I've seen people complaining that the great Red John can't be defeated by a pigeon, but that's his phobia! We knew RJ had some kind of phobia and Jane somehow figured it out and used it against him. Patrick had figured out how the bomb trick worked so he must have known the real RJ would be either Mcallister, Haffner or Stiles.

If there is one tiny thing Im going to complain about was the promo. They didn't need to straight out show Mcallister in the promo, that pretty much gave it all up.

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