Who is Red John?

Theory #15187 • by TheVoiceofReason


Unrevealed suspect

Unrevealed suspect
Suspected in 1k+ theories


So I watched the leaked episode. I just watched today's episode... unless I clicked on a bogus link and somehow I'm grossly mistaken... they're one and the same, in which case:

Bruno Heller

You created a show with great potential with the Red John story-arc. A show with a formulaic, predictive, unrealistic elements such as:

repetitive beginning to every episode
repetitive ending/solution to every episode
unrealistic character selection for the CBI team
piss poor acting from the whole CBI team
shitty ass dialogues

BUT, somehow, among all that glorious shit you call screenwriting, you found the light and made AWESOME red-john episodes with great dialogues, storytelling, acting and suspenseful elements.
I came to withstand the shitty monster-of-the-week episodes just to get to the good stuff, the red-john cream of the crop goodies.

The series progressed, we got that marvelous episode where RJ rescues Jane and eventually got to Timothy Carter. It was getting better... and then came whatever it is you call what we got after that... filled with a higher dosage of monster-of-the-week episodes that thus became monsters-of-the-whole-week episodes... further displacing the RJ story-arch.

The fifth season was a bit of a saver... reintroducing elements of RJ, injecting one or two great episodes... getting us back on track on the RJ arc... and then... right when you say S6 is going to wrap it all up...

You give us this ... 'thing' I can't even bring myself to call an episode.

Red John, throughout these 6 seasons, proved he was:

1.- Cunning
2.- Brilliant - very intelligent (for those of you who are not)
3.- Secretive
4.- Stealthy
5.- Curious & Manipulative
6.- VERY Charismatic
7.- Out of the ordinary
8.- Successful, both in terms of resources and in getting away with whatever he did

NOW let's compare that with the 'RJ' joke we get in this last episode:

1.- Mediocre, naive and less than thorough
2.- Idiotic, foolish, clumsy
3.- As secretive as a fart in an elevator
4.- As stealthy as a fighter jet flying at low altitude over any highly populated metropolis
5.- Less than willing to probe Patrick, his thoughts, his fears... not even remotely interested
6.- Uninteresting personality, gestures, demeanour, thought pattern
7.- Generic, run of the mill villain-persona, nothing to remember, nothing unique
8.- A failure, a scam, a wimp completely detached from his previous actions and self

So, I can't help but wonder. Are you mentally retarded Mr. Heller? Have you become ill? Is a raw cucumber stuck up your ass? Did you eat too much pigeon feed?

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