Who is Red John?

Theory #15142 • by bettyboo


Thomas McAllister

Thomas McAllister
Suspected in 1k+ theories


Can someone competent please take Simon Baker and the team away from Heller and the other writers who didn't say a word about this crap episode, and please can they make a good serial killer movie that is actioned packed and thrilling. Just think guys this was it, this was the only Red John we are ever going to get. The mentalist is going to become Rubbish from now on and we only get one Baker. There will be noone like him again.

I don't understand what they were thinking in the writers room......

Heller: "okay guys, this is it, the big reveal that we hoped would never come. we have a budget of ten dollars and 5 cents, lets see what we can come up with" 
 "Anyone have any ideas?!"
"Heller :Anyone at all"
Heller: "Anything, come on people. I can't steal all the storyfrom profiler"
Mentally challenged writer dude spots a pigeon: "Um Pigeons......Pigeons" *claps hands*
Writer doofus 2: we could have Van Pelt and the team in the car and she can like start hitting her head off the window to get attention of this other guy and am we could have a map but not a real map a paper...um..map and...um I could play Abbots stupid side kick.
Heller: "We need to think of a really good way of Patrick exposing Red John, so hit me with ideas"
Heller: "anything"
Heller: Ah screw it! We will just have Red John expose himself in a church.
Heller: " there's something missing. We are missing action...we need more action guys but I'm down to my last 5 cents, I'll ask baker will he run for a 5 cent pay increase. We can have them running, lots of running. Running from the park, running to the church, then hitchhiking ya that will be different, then more running until simon can run no more, then just when they think all the running is over, there will be more running, and now red john will be running and patrick will be running, a woman screaming will be running, there can't be enough running, and then boom right when they least expect it grandad falls through a glass door and then he starts running and patricks still running, but not just normal running, running with a phone in his hand and then Red John falls and can't run no more because he tired of running and then we will have patrick catch up to him. Then after Patrick kills red john ..get this there will be RUNNING but not just normal running something spectacular....I got it running in slow motion.....and he runs and runs and runs and runs to south America....the end!

Heller: There is something missing.........We can't have Red John just accept death, he needs to fight, he needs to do something, this great master of survival....he needs to ring the emergency services

* Jimmy Gadd returns from a toilet break*

Jimmy: What did I miss???

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