Who is Red John?

Theory #14737 • by redcouldbeany1


Thomas McAllister

Thomas McAllister
Suspected in 1k+ theories


Here's the thing.....if they used bits and pieces of the real episode to make this...and just happened to put the crappiest takes and leave out some important stuff, filling it in with the deleted scenes....it wouldn't cost "millions of dollars"...actually...it would it explain why coincidentally the episode leaked is a rough cut and not the real deal.....I don't think the episode is fake....I just think its going to be a heck of a lot better tomorrow night....but think about....any other advance screening would've been the real episode...for some reason people have only seen the unfinished version of this. The word unfinished holds the key. It means theres more to it thats not yet seen.....they could change an entire scene...take something out and make it a deleted scene....and add something that they didn't want the people who saw the "rough cut" to see.....it could actually be interesting!!! Just wait and see what happens guys. No matter what, the real episode is always at least a little bit better than the rough cut.

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