Who is Red John?

Theory #14632 • by CommonSense


Thomas McAllister

Thomas McAllister
Suspected in 1k+ theories


I just had to post this here because .... while most of you are here crying over the leaked episode and what did and didn't fit your insane theories...
It's hilarious you so-called "hardcore" Mentalist fans missed 2 huge things:

1: One of the writers from the show already told everyone that a episode would be forthcoming about whomever is revealed to be Red John, how that person got to be who he is. That means a background episode to fill in all the missing answers you all are here crying over, in regards to the leaked episode. What did you think they would do, fit everything into a 40 min episode geez lol

2. The Church lady....none of you have mentioned it yet?? It was already revealed who she is and what her character name is a week ago. But none of you here even caught it online......wow. It's only been on spoiler sites with her pic for a week now lol

So much for hardcore fans.....
I'm not going to give you the links to both interviews that revealed this awhile ago online because your all the ones here who claim to have all the details lol
Try yahoo search next time before complaining about stuff crybabies

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